Here's how it works: As sourcing professionals, We have connections with many factories with the ability to screen and inspect quality of the products before becoming our partners. Once your order is placed we will inspect the items to guarantee Kiwi standards have been met.
We will then have an opportunity to share photos and videos of the product by request of our customers. We will then complete the sale by using one of the most popular carriers ensuring the best experience for you and your customer. We are a turnkey merchandise & supply solution, in which dropshipping is just one option of shipping methods.
Here are major differentiators vs. traditional dropshipping:
1. Products are from vetted factories, not random merchants you run into on Aliexpress or other open marketplaces. We also invite you to rate product quality. If a factory is below our community standards, we rule them out.
2. We'll set the QA standard where we inspect each item before we ship them out. We can offer photos or videos on request.
3. We have a single shipping standard, which means you won't have to deal with an excess of options or hidden costs handled by multiple merchants or factories. We provide 5-10 business day free shipping for all apparel, jewelry and accessory products.
You can view more information about us here:
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