About Notification Settings

Choose whether or not to send the 'shipping update' notification from your Shopify when we fulfill orders.

If you prefer to manually send fulfillment notifications, or if you use another software or service as your web-store such as CommentSold, you may want to reduce the amount of notifications sent to your customer. Here, you can turn off the shipping update notification which is sent by your Shopify, triggered by our system.

This setting controls the default value at checkout which the "Send shipment details to your customer now" box on Shopify is set to when you are manually fulfilling items below.

How to send notification for individual orders

Choose whether or not to notify your customer from the checkout page. Leaving this on will send the notification from your Shopify. To prevent the notification from being sent, simply toggle the checkbox off. 


To globally change the default value of this checkbox, check out the section below.

How to adjust the global notification setting 

By default, this setting is turned on to support Shopify users, but if you run a store that uses a third party service or software as a platform for your webstore such as CommentSold, you may want to turn this setting off to reduce the number of duplicate notifications sent to your customer. You may find this setting under your Shipping Rules in the store settings page. 



If the  "Notify Customer of Shipment" setting is toggled off from Store settings, the check box at checkout be set to off by default. This applies for orders that were paid for with auto checkout. If the setting here is toggled on, the check box at checkout be set to off by default.


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