Dropping Soon Listings & Sample Buying Period

To make our new product launch more in line with your pace, we are launching new styles which are going to be Dropped Soon in the future with a Sample Buying Period. 

Sample Buying Period

Prior to the Drop Date, items are in the Sample Buying Period. During this period, you may purchase a maximum of 2 pieces samples per listing (subject to change).

During the Sample Buying Period you are not able to sell those items via dropship. Any orders that attempt to be placed for dopship during this period will be rejected by our system.

You may import this item to your Shopify anytime, and we suggest you do so prior to launch date. Regardless of the status you import it as Draft or Active, your sales channel will be scheduled to be turned on automatically on the official drop date.  This means your end consumer will NOT see this item on your Shopify until the sales channel is turned on after the launch day. *see graphic below   

Do NOT manually change the sales channel status by yourself. Any drop shipping orders submitted by accident during the sample buying period will NOT be fulfilled.

See how your online store channel will look like during Sample Buying Period on your Shopify Admin.  


On Drop Date 

We will automatically turn on the sales channel in your Shopify on the Drop Date. If your listings are in Active status, they will show up on your Shopify automatically. 

But if your listings are in Draft status, you need to manually change the status to make sure you are showing them on your Shopify properly.

IMPORTANT CommentSold users: If you are using CommentSold or another sales channel you will need to ensure you are not selling this product in those channels prior to the Drop Date. Ensure your items are not published or posted to your app or other channels!

Note: when you initially import listings during the Sample Period the default status will be the status you have chosen for the last recent import. Because of this, you may have imported listings in the Sample Period as draft status unintentionally 

Why a sample buying period?

In order to help shops facilitate their live selling and in-house launch schedules, we have implemented a  sample buying period. As we continue to expand and add features we will monitor the effectiveness of this feature and continue to adjust.


1.  I turned on the sales channel by accident. My customer saw it and purchased it.  The item is still in Sample Buying Period and has not dropped yet. What shall I do? 
We are not able to fulfill drop ship orders until the drop date.  We suggest you cancel this order with your customer too.

2. Importing it right before the Drop Date vs. Importing it right now, how shall I choose? 

Some boutiques prefer to import everything right now and set it as Active. Using this approach saves you the most time and work.  You can set your collection to be sorted manually or by "updated (newest first)" to make sure they are on the top.

Other boutiques want to import in the later time of the sample period or sometimes right before the Drop date because they want newly dropped items to be on top of the rank in certain collections, which are sorted by "created (newest first)".  The import time on Kiwi will be the "Created time" on your Shopify.

Remember: setting it as Active does NOT mean the item will be display on your Shopify immediately on import, since we have scheduling set up for the product.


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